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In order to lead China's cement industry, the transformation and upgrading of China's building materials industry, achieve green manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing and high-end manufacturing, achieve a comprehensive upgrade of China's new dry process cement technology and equipment, achieve energy saving and emission reduction in China's cement industry, improve labor productivity, reduce the cost of efficiency, Chinese Building Materials Association Qiaolongde in 2012 proposed to carry out the second generation of new dry cement technology and equipment research,not onlythe developmentdevelopment of technology and equipment for China's cement industry has raised the banner of leading the development of cement industry in the world, but also pointed out the development direction of China's cement industry technology and equipment.

Since China Building Materials Federation proposed and organized the whole industry to carry out the second generation of new dry process cement technology and equipment innovation and research and development work, form the discussion about the definition of "second generation new dry cement" and the collision between the industry and the thought to National Institute of cement research and design, the relevant professional colleges and universities and some large building materials enterprises and high-tech enterprises to actively respond, from the second generation of new dry process cement technology and equipment R & D programs, R & D standards, acceptance procedures to identify research and development projects and organize research and development. The second generation of new dry process cement technology equipment innovation research and development work has achieved exciting stage fruitful results.

Second generation of new dry process cement technology and equipment is,on the basis of the cement production process, which is mainly characterized by the suspension preheating and the external decomposition of the kiln, to further innovation and expansion of the kiln body function, to optimization and improvement of preheating pre decomposition, to conquer and break through the ways and technical bottleneck of nitrogen oxides and dust emission reduction, to improve the efficiency and utilization of the waste, municipal solid waste instead of fuel, full development and application of bed grinding technology, equipment, and vigorously develop intelligent manufacturing technology, resource and energy efficiency, economic and technical indicators, production efficiency has been greatly improved and enhanced finally to produce a new generation of new dry process cement technology and equipment to achieve the world's leading level.

Thế hệ thứ hai của công nghệ xi măng quy trình khô mới và đổi mới và phát triển thiết bị chủ yếu có tám khía cạnh: 1. hiệu quả năng lượng cao, gia nhiệt trước nitơ thấp, phân hủy trước và công nghệ thiêu kết tiên tiến 2. vật liệu hiệu quả cao công nghệ mài giường vật liệu 3.raw vật liệu, công nghệ cân bằng nhiên liệu 4. công nghệ điều khiển thông minh kỹ thuật số 5. xử lý an toàn và vô hại và công nghệ sử dụng tài nguyên của chất thải 6. mới carbon thấp cao cấp, Công nghệ sản xuất clinker xi măng đa dạng 7. công nghệ thu gom bụi túi lọc hiệu suất cao và hiệu quả cao 8. công nghệ và thiết bị cho chất xúc tác khử oxit nitơ không độc hại hiệu suất cao và đã phát triển thế hệ thứ hai của dây chuyền xi măng quy trình khô mới theo yêu cầu kỹ thuật tiêu chuẩn.

The main technical indexes of the second generation new dry process cement technology and equipment innovation R & D requirements are specific heat consumption of clinker≤2680kJ/kg·cl, that is comparable to the standard coal consumption of clinker≤18kW·h/t; dust emission concentration of main dust collection equipment<10mg/Nm3, dust collector resistance<800Pa, the service life of the filter bag≥4years; NOx reduction efficiency of low NOx burner≥10%, staged combustion efficiency≥30%, denitrification efficiency of SNCR Technology≥70%, denitrification efficiency of SCR Technology≥85%; fuel substitution rate>40%; new clinker cement can reduce the CO2 emissions by more than 25%; labor productivity increased by 1.5 times to 2 times, 5000 t/d cement clinker production line capacity of 60 to 80 people can reduce the cost of management30%, and can reduce the cost of production by 15% ~ 20%, etc.

Up to now, the second generations of new dry cement technology and equipment research and development overall progress of more than 70%, part of the research and development projects have been fully completed, technical indicators have reached or exceeded the technical indicators identified by R & D standards, some R & D projects or part of the sub items have been or are being carried out in an engineering demonstration application which need further optimization and improvement of engineering demonstration application verification.

Tianjin cement industry design and Research Institute and China Equipment Group Co., Ltd. joint commitment to high energy efficiency and low nitrogen pre heating and pre decomposition and advanced sintering technology research and development projects, the clinker burning system power consumption has been reached to 17.9kW·h/t, better than R & D standards and technical indicators, clinker burning heat consumption has been achieved2780kJ/kgcl approach to R & D standards; Hefei cement industry research and Design Institute, Tianjin cement industry design and Research Institute, respectively, to bear the high efficiency of bed grinding technology research and development projects, cement (PO42.5) grinding power consumption has been better than standard technical indicators research, the best indicator is less than 25kWh/t; High performance and high efficiency filter bag dust collection technology research and development project of high performance and high efficiency, which is undertaken by Nanjing film material Co. Ltd., dust emission concentration of main dust collection equipment, dust collector resistance, the service life of the filter bag has reached the standard technical indicators research and export Europe and the United States and other countries; By the Tianjin cement industry design and Research Institute, research and Design Institute of Hefei cement industry, low NOx burners Conch Cement Group Co. bear low NOx burner and staged combustion technology stock efficiency has reached or exceeded the standard technical indicators research. Staged combustion technology stock average efficiency above 30%. The best level can up to 50%.

By China Building Materials Science Research Institute, Tianjin cement industry design and Research Institute, Beijing Building Materials Research Institute respectively bear the new Baillet high belite sulphoaluminate cement clinker clinker and low carbon development projects also have a good progress. Various R & D units through the optimization of batching technology and calcination system, a new type of low calcium cement clinker production technology was creatively developed and a large scale industrial experiment was carried out and gained valuable experience in industrial production, get the quality of qualified low calcium cement clinker products which meet the requirements of the project.Preliminary study of low calcium cement in concrete indicate the working performance and strength of the cement is better than that of ordinary portland cement. The product and the production technology in energy conservation and emission reduction, raw material substitution is convenient and made a great breakthrough, 3 and 28 days of clinker also can reach a better level.

Viện nghiên cứu và thiết kế ngành xi măng Thiên Tân, Đại học Tế Nam, Viện tự động hóa, tương ứng, để thực hiện các dự án nghiên cứu và phát triển tối ưu hóa thông minh xi măng và hệ thống điều khiển tiết kiệm năng lượng đã phát triển thành công một ứng dụng đặc biệt cho quy trình sản xuất xi măng tối ưu hóa thông minh hệ thống điều khiển tiết kiệm năng lượng. Và trong một số dây chuyền sản xuất xi măng đưa vào sử dụng, và đạt được hiệu quả kiểm soát đạt yêu cầu về hiệu quả tiết kiệm năng lượng. Bởi Đại học Công nghệ Bắc Kinh, Viện Vật liệu xây dựng Trung Quốc lần lượt mang oxit nitơ của chất xúc tác nhiệt độ thấp và công nghệ khử SCR thông qua thẻ thử nghiệm, vật liệu xúc tác đã được phát triển cho hơn 85% hiệu quả khử nitrat từ 150 đến -190, kết quả dự án đã đạt đến mức hàng đầu quốc tế. Và bước tiếp theo là xác minh thêm tuổi thọ chất xúc tác, hiệu suất chống tắc nghẽn và tính phổ quát.

R & D units have been or are being developed for the second generation of new dry process cement production technology and equipment for the demonstration of the application and optimization and improvement. China Building Materials Federation is starting the second generation of new dry process cement production technology and equipment R & D project acceptance work and research to determine the second generation of new dry process cement construction program.

Looking to the future, we have confidence in the innovation and development of the second generation of new dry process cement technology and equipment. According to the latest requirements of Qiaolongde, second generation of new dry process cement technology and equipment innovation research and development can not stay in 2013 to determine the R & D standards.To keep pace with the times, to further enhance the R & D standards. China's cement industry technology and equipment level to lead the world to make a positive contribution to the development of cement industry in the world.
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