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Lò nung xi măng được sử dụng để xử lý chất rắn kỳ vọng tăng cường hợp tác giữa các ngành công nghiệp

The environment situation of our country has become more and more rigorous. Using cement kiln to treat solid waste is a new way to solving this problem which is not only a new direction for cement industry but also attract more attention from the industries causing waste solid.  Senior professor of solid waste treating industry indicates ...
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Chúc mừng thế hệ thứ hai của công nghệ và thiết bị xi măng quy trình khô mới đã đạt được kết quả đáng kể

In order to lead China's cement industry, the transformation and upgrading of China's building materials industry, achieve green manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing and high-end manufacturing, achieve a comprehensive upgrade of China's new dry process cement technology and equipment, achieve energy saving and emission reduction in China's cement industry, improve labor productivity, reduce the cost of efficiency, Chinese Building Materials Association Qiaolongde in 2012 proposed to carry out the second generation of new dry cement technology and equipment research,not onlythe developmentdevel...
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Giới thiệu máy nghiền xỉ đa năng thẳng đứng

In 2015 overall economic situation fell significantly, cement industry profits fell to the bottom, in order to use "The Belt and Road" and overseas layout to achieve bottoming out, each cement plant will save production costs and the introduction of green environmental protection equipment as the primary bargaining chip. In the process of cement production, cement clinker, materials, slag can be used after grinding, however, the results show that the best grinding efficiency can be achieved only by different materials separately. 1. General situation of "one grinding and multi use" vertical m...
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